Love is…

Annah ElizabethUncategorizedLeave a Comment

Happy Sunday, Journeyer! Do you have a Love hangover today? All I can say is I’m glad the best cure for a hangover is “the hair of the dog that bit ya,” ‘cause I’ve got one more meme to add to the mix… Love is the warmth that fills our insides when we give to others… Love is the warmth … Read More

It’s Random…Joy

Annah Elizabeth2 Comments

A week of simple pleasures… This pair of boots packs a double smile! One because they are warm and uber comfy… And two because they were a gift from Beauty, who rescued them from a college roommate who was going to discard the never worn footwear! I will forever be both curious about and in awe of life’s simple brilliance…This…this … Read More

Free Hugs

Annah Elizabeth2 Comments

    On one of my trips to NYC a few years ago, I came across a small group of unique people in Times Square. I realize that might sound a bit redundant using unique and NYC in the same breath, but these individuals were truly special. You see, they were holding up signs that read “Free Hugs.” I let … Read More

Living Color

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

Pink is my favorite color. When I wear pink, I feel feminine. I feel warm and fuzzy inside. Needless to say, last Monday provided a good day to break out the pink hat, gloves, and scarf. I donned them over my pink blouse with white lace. The blushes looked fabulous against a pair of dark denim jeans. What can I … Read More