50 First Smiles

Annah ElizabethUncategorized2 Comments

Wow…it’s Sunday…already… Wherever did this week go? Oh, yes, I know… It evaporated in a daily series of phone calls and my ongoing research to meet new people and make new connections in this vast cyber sphere… One of the disadvantages of living in a small town is that of limited easy access to global information… In this instance, I … Read More

Harvesting Happiness

Annah Elizabeth2 Comments

  I love the scents and colors that signal spring’s arrival. Freshly mowed lawns and foliage bursting forth from slumber… Last fall I planted bulbs, what I like to call sowing smiles. And now, after five harsh winter months, my time Every time I’ve pulled into my drive these past few weeks, I’ve felt excitement. My mood elevating from bad … Read More

Sowing Some Happiness

Annah Elizabeth2 Comments

  Just like I do every September, I purchased a bag of tulip bulbs for fall planting. Just like I do every year, I failed to place them in the ground before it began to harden from evening frosts. And just like every Autumn I can recall, there is always an Indian-Summer day or two. I was sure I had … Read More