To Boston, Bostonians, and a Bereaved World

Annah Elizabeth2 Comments

You don’t know me, but I love you. My arms are reaching out to wrap you in a warm, tight embrace. There are no words. No words that will help, and yet I am compelled to tell you that, absurd as it sounds, someday it will be okay, if you keep choosing healing, keep fitting the pieces of your own … Read More

Hate Crimes in Benghazi & The Bride of Osama

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

I felt defeated and outraged when I read today’s headlines about the death of four Americans, including US Ambassador to Libya, Christopher Stevens. Do these people who are so enraged not realize that Sam Bacile’s thoughts and actions are not indicative of an entire nation? I am sickened by the hatred. My heart bleeds for the families and friends and … Read More