PB & U

Annah ElizabethUncategorized2 Comments

Journeyer, so much to report from this past week! The work issue still stinks and two different law firms have said that, though what my supervisor did wasn’t legal, there’s not really anything they can do to help… So, guess what I decided to do? I’m going back to my union for their recommendation, which will likely entail a meeting … Read More

Katie, a Kid’s Teacher Needs You!

Annah Elizabeth2 Comments

Dear Katie, Maya Angelou once said, “When you learn, teach. At our best, we’re all teachers.” I say, “We can learn something new every day, if our minds are open to it.” That means that day in and day out we are all students and we are all teachers… I woke at 6:30 this morning, made breakfast for my daughter … Read More

Christmas in July, Best Teacher’s Gifts EVER

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

At the end of each summer we fill our kids’ backpacks with love. Pencils. Healthy snacks. Brightly colored crayons. Their favorite cartoony folders. And we send them off to school. We carefully organize. We read the school’s communications with fervor. And in a timely manner. And we write notes of thanks and gratitude and put smiley faces on the pages … Read More