Ask Annah: Why I Stayed Married after My Husband’s Two Affairs

Annah ElizabethAsk Annah, Family, Loss, Grief, and Healing, RelationshipsLeave a Comment

Dear Journeyer, Many people enter a state of disbelief when they learn that I am still married to the man who had two affairs following our wedding vows. And while some just can’t seem to wrap their brains around it, others have appeared flustered or fustrated, while one person wrote a scathing comment that basically described me as the reason … Read More

I’m Sad

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

  Two days ago I was so mad it gave me a rare, pounding headache. The kind that makes your eyes bulge and your entire body hurt. And last night I was the kind of sad that brings giant crocodile tears. The kind that builds towers out of snotty tissues. I’m sad because I realized, yesterday, for the first time … Read More

Addressing Attachment Injury

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

“I’ve been thinking about you two,” Trish said, “and about how I can best help.” The last time Warren and I were in this therapist’s office, we had some heated discussions about The Future—Ours, His, Mine—The House, Retirement, The Economy, The Funds (now and forthcoming). He, who has lived in the same community—within a ten-mile radius—his entire life, is not … Read More

The Floodgates of Resentment from a Damsel in Distress

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

Three days ago I cried myself to sleep. Crocodile-sized-snot running-down-my-face-and-onto-my-pillow kind of tears. Resentment woke me several times during the night. Resentment brought tears to my eyes and a lump to my throat over and over the next morning, until I finally told myself that I had to table The Beast and focus on the work at hand. On my … Read More

Staying Married After a Second Affair

Annah ElizabethUncategorized21 Comments

Last night I wrote this post, which was inspired by a piece about Bill Clinton’s sixty-sixth birthday. That article questioned if the former president could have known, the day he met then-President JFK, that he would someday succeed the great man. That question spawned another musing for me: Did it ever dawn on Bill that he might someday have a … Read More