Shades of Red

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

It’s a bit of a whining day, Folks. I’m not settling in to going back to work very well. I feel like I can’t catch my breath and as if I’m even more unprepared and harried than I’ve been. We were late for Beauty’s soccer game today, thinking we had to leave the house at noon, for a match that … Read More

My Morning Cup o’ Joe

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

When I was in high school I worked for a large grocery, one that was actually a Supermarket before Supermarkets became vogue. This chain had one of the first gourmet coffee centers and I was assigned to that department. “What would you recommend,” or “What does this taste like?” were common questions. To which I inevitably answered, “I don’t know. … Read More

Rising Sun

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

My optimum sleep patterns are from 1:30 AM – 8:30. Classic night owl, I feel the most energized if I am awake outside of those hours, and my mind tends to generate some of its best thoughts when the world settles in to retire about ten. Needless to say, I knew when I went into my current line of work … Read More