Healing and the Two Sides of Spirituality

Annah ElizabethUncategorized2 Comments

  One of the key elements in The Five Facets Philosophyis the spiritual facet. I chose the term spiritual over religiousbecause each of us is born with a spiritual essence. Though organized religion attaches itself to spirituality, our spirit is not linked inherently to organized doctrine. Our spirit is our very essence; at its core it includes things like our … Read More

Following The Voice Within

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

 Photo via http://www.kansasbob.com/2013/02/intuition-vs-logic.html   And old pal refers to me as her Clairvoyant Friend. I can’t begin got count the many times someone has popped into my thoughts with absolutely no rhyme or reason. Often, if I don’t take some form of action like call the person, write a letter, or drop a quick electronic note, that feeling will repeat itself … Read More

The 5 Ws of Thanks

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

What can we give thanks for? Two weeks ago today, the unthinkable happened. A seven-month-old died. In her sleep. The young mother had put her down for a nap. And hours later the twenty-year-old was being whisked from one authority to another. “You would think they could have at least waited to question her. It’s like they think she did … Read More

Little White Pills and a Digging for the Light Excerpt

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

When I popped the top on the little orange bottle this morning, I noticed that I have only about a week’s rations left of my antidepressant. As I swallowed the little white pill, two things came to mind. I thought about a piece from my manuscript Digging for the Light. And I wondered if I want to renew the prescription … Read More

Digging for the Light, Excerpt 1

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

My last post was about hummingbirds and was included in the Happy Happenssegment of this blog.The following excerpt relates to the day after my Gavin’s first birthday, my second Mother’s Day. * * *   The date was Sunday, May 12, 1991. Mother’s Day. I spent that day, the one that should have been my second Mother’s Day, weeping.Over a … Read More