Addressing Attachment Injury

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

“I’ve been thinking about you two,” Trish said, “and about how I can best help.” The last time Warren and I were in this therapist’s office, we had some heated discussions about The Future—Ours, His, Mine—The House, Retirement, The Economy, The Funds (now and forthcoming). He, who has lived in the same community—within a ten-mile radius—his entire life, is not … Read More

Can’t versus Don’t Want To

Annah Elizabeth2 Comments

Last fall I discovered this amazing little app. C25K. Couch to a 5k. I started the program with great gusto. But this underlying attitude ensured a quick demise. “I’m not a runner.” Can’t Never Could And then a friend asked me if I wanted to try and lose weight with her. “You’re the only one I can do it with,” … Read More

On Marital Discord, Part III: Tips for Staying Together in Spite of Strife

Annah ElizabethUncategorizedLeave a Comment

As far back as March, journalists began talking about a Maria/Arnold reunion. And a few days ago, HuffPost Celebrity reported that Maria was recently seen wearing what looks like a wedding band. Is she taking Arnold Schwarzenegger back?The headline teases. These thoughts simultaneously ran through my mind. Who cares? Just leave them alone. And yet, I find myself watching. Secretly … Read More

Staying Married After a Second Affair

Annah ElizabethUncategorized21 Comments

Last night I wrote this post, which was inspired by a piece about Bill Clinton’s sixty-sixth birthday. That article questioned if the former president could have known, the day he met then-President JFK, that he would someday succeed the great man. That question spawned another musing for me: Did it ever dawn on Bill that he might someday have a … Read More

On Marital Discord, Part II

Annah Elizabeth1 Comment

Blink. Sixty seven days have elapsed without me following up to the first post on marital discord, sixty-three days since my last writing on this site.  Yet it feels like only a week or so ago that I was snapping photos of the uncharacteristically sunny, northeast skies. Where have I been? Procrastinating, I guess. Oh, I’ve been plenty busy with … Read More

On Marital Discord, Part 1

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

“There’s a fire burning in my heart,” ran through my head for two days. Adele’s catchy, bluesy beat pulsated, over and over and over, and I found myself repeatedly belting out that single stance. And wouldn’t you know, as I write this I’m having a hard time summoning that snappy tune… What kind of fire is burning in her heart, I … Read More

Celebrating a Gift

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

The birthday card my mother sent me a few months ago was simple, a few watercolor flowers sitting atop a box; the creators had glued a tiny blue ribbon above the scrolling message. The words inside held a lifetime of sentiment that I will remember for years to come: You are a smile and a gift and an amazing story of growth and change and … Read More

Food for…

Annah Elizabeth2 Comments

I have been carrying around Geneen Roth’s, Women Food And God, for months now, hopeful each day will provide a few stolen moments… Actually, my life lends itself, daily, to a number of mini barren blocks of time. How I deplete those minutes varies, but most recently I have exhausted them through word wars with my sister. Word wars in the literal sense, in the … Read More

The Making of a Happy Liver

Annah Elizabeth2 Comments

Today, my job has brought me to a maximum security men’s prison in upstate New York. I was one of six adults enlisted to transport seven at-risk students to the prison for an awareness program. Five inmates, including three murderers, participate in an intensive training program before going on to teach delinquent students, to try to reach them, to encourage … Read More