The 5 Ws of Thanks

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

What can we give thanks for? Two weeks ago today, the unthinkable happened. A seven-month-old died. In her sleep. The young mother had put her down for a nap. And hours later the twenty-year-old was being whisked from one authority to another. “You would think they could have at least waited to question her. It’s like they think she did … Read More

On Marital Discord, Part III: Tips for Staying Together in Spite of Strife

Annah ElizabethUncategorizedLeave a Comment

As far back as March, journalists began talking about a Maria/Arnold reunion. And a few days ago, HuffPost Celebrity reported that Maria was recently seen wearing what looks like a wedding band. Is she taking Arnold Schwarzenegger back?The headline teases. These thoughts simultaneously ran through my mind. Who cares? Just leave them alone. And yet, I find myself watching. Secretly … Read More

Dear Maria

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

I empathize with the trials you and your family face. Yesterday, today, tomorrow, thousands of people have already or will enter a similar circumstance. Some will come as a surprise and live closer than you might imagine, while others will connect from afar. No matter the distance, we are neighbors in grief, and allies in healing. The details vary, yet … Read More