Healing and the Two Sides of Spirituality

Annah ElizabethUncategorized2 Comments

  One of the key elements in The Five Facets Philosophyis the spiritual facet. I chose the term spiritual over religiousbecause each of us is born with a spiritual essence. Though organized religion attaches itself to spirituality, our spirit is not linked inherently to organized doctrine. Our spirit is our very essence; at its core it includes things like our … Read More

Recycling Hope and Miracle

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

Last month I reunited with Miracle. I’ve spent many years pushing against her, resisting the mere mention of her name. Turns out I had been seeing her all wrong. You see, Miracle isn’t about some prize granted to a select few, Miracle is what happens when we bear witness to life’s marvelous events and amazing qualities. Miracle is what happens … Read More

What’s in a Miracle?

Annah ElizabethUncategorizedLeave a Comment

Photo via Sharlie’s Angels Miracle is such a tough word for those of us who have faced destruction and devastation. The miraculous is usually attributed to some variation of God’s Will, Plan, or Divine Intervention. In the wake of Gavin’s death and Warren’s subsequent affair, I hoped for a miracle of my own. Not your typical pleas for health, wealth, … Read More

(Not) God’s Plan, God’s Will, or Divine Intervention

Annah Elizabeth8 Comments

The only exception I have to Richard Mourdock’s recent statements regarding abortion is…well…(almost) everything. There are so many emotions and feelings coursing through my body at his remarks that I don’t even know where to begin. I am equally repulsed, sickened, disheartened, angered, and flabbergasted that in the 21stcentury we still have people using language like “legitimate rape.” No matter … Read More

On Spiritual Paradox

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

Two days ago I watched an interview with Marcy Borders on The View. Marcy is a survivor of 9/11 and the woman whom was captured in the now-iconic photo, “Dust Lady,” on the day of the heinous attacks on our country. As a means of coping with the shock of the event, Marcy succumbed to alcohol and drugs, which led … Read More