Just Like the Proverbial Shit Happens, Happy Happens

Annah ElizabethUncategorized2 Comments

Good morning, Journeyer, This week has been agonizingly long and brutal… I did not write. I accomplished few, if any, of my daily designated tasks or goals. I fought regularly with Warren. I spent the better share of three days trying (unsuccessfully) to unravel an internet connection problem. I experienced several nights of interrupted sleep, which is a rare occasion … Read More

Father’s Day & Hallowed Ground

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

  Guys! I was over the moon with excitement this week! I just happened to be in the right place at the right time. And you won’t BELIEVE what happened to me. Journeyers, I was invited to join a tour of the grounds where Mark Twain produced some of his greatest works. I WAS STANDING ON THE VERY SPOT WHERE … Read More

Finding a Little Luck in Life

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

A few weeks ago I was cleaning my dog’s poop from my backyard and discovered this four-leaf clover. And then another…  Mixed with life’s crap, there’s always some stroke of good fortune, if your eyes are open to its existence within your path…And, oh, what a lucky girl I am that the talented, energetic, and charismatic Chiara from over at The Indie … Read More