Training Tips for Pets…and People

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

We are on the road, again. Late night laundry and packing and phone calls and lists had us all up late. Having seen the other side of midnight every night for nearly a week, I finally apologized to my family for ditching them and collapsed into my bed at two. The nagging, sleep-deprived nausea I felt when my feet hit … Read More

Phil (Punxsutawney) Might Not be a Fraud After All

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

Oh, the weather outside is frightful… And so, so dreadful… Someone who rarely ever naps, I’ve taken a mid-day snooze nearly every day since daylight savings took effect. Between the new work assignment, which has me up a God-awful fifteen minutes earlier than ever, the pitch black hour I leave in the morning, and the wintry March weather that has … Read More

Can’t versus Don’t Want To

Annah Elizabeth2 Comments

Last fall I discovered this amazing little app. C25K. Couch to a 5k. I started the program with great gusto. But this underlying attitude ensured a quick demise. “I’m not a runner.” Can’t Never Could And then a friend asked me if I wanted to try and lose weight with her. “You’re the only one I can do it with,” … Read More