Spooks and Spoils

Annah ElizabethFamily, Happy Happens ™, HealthLeave a Comment

Short and sweet, Journeyer!

Last week brought with it a major toothache that caused me five days of grief. I finally got into the dentist on Friday, where I learned I need a root canal. Fortunately for me a bottle of Penicillin and some major doses of Ibuprofen helped give me some relief.

Enough comfort that I was able to enjoy the annual Halloween party at a friend’s house.

This year’s costume brought back some fond memories and finally solved a long, long curiosity! As a teenager I asked several hairdressers to dye my hair jet black but they all refused. As I’ve gotten older I wanted asked about using some wash in hair color but was told that it would be a long, long time before I could rinse the color away.

Thanks to Cleopatra’s wig, I no longer have to wonder what I’d look like with black hair! Though I loved it, I think I’ll stay blond.

Our friends who held this event are my former employers. She is the pregnant pal whose son was born two weeks before Gavin. They were so helpful during that extraordinarily difficult time and will be lifelong friends.

Journeyer, their son had his first child a few months back and until Saturday I’d only seen photos of him on social media. Babies have a way of pegging our happy meter, don’t they?

Silly Me as Cleopatra Meeting New Baby for First Time

Other moments that brought me moments of joy include the glorious fall colors that surround me everywhere I go…

Fall Foliage HappyHappens

The couple days we had with Big Guy while he was home on break…

Time with Beauty and then with Fave on the phone…Though I am certainly enjoying the Empty Nest, I sure do enjoy those precious times with my kids.

And getting to know our newest family member a little better. She has so many redeeming qualities, Journeyer, we just have to figure out a few anxiety issues and hopefully we can cure her of trying to eat our cats… I don’t know if she’s going to remain a good fit for our family but I do know that she won’t go back to the shelter because she has way too many good traits… Join me in crossing those fingers and toes that we can make it work out?

What about you, Journeyer? What moment(s) brought a smile to your face or warmth to your heart? Share them here and spread a little joy!

Until next time, yours in hope, healing, and happiness,

On Saying Goodbye

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