An Imprint Reprinted

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

Homemade sugar cookies for my college kids;complete with my signature smiley face It’s that time of year, again… Holiday preparations. Care packages filled with a little love for my college kids to have during their exams. Catching up on paperwork I let go whilst I spent the summer playing and vacationing…. In my queue of story ideas, I have been … Read More

An Imprint

Annah Elizabeth1 Comment

Holiday Mathis provided this Capricorn horoscope, today:“Your imprint on others is emotional. Think about what kind of mood you capture, embody and unintentionally inflict on others. That’s what will remain after you’ve left the room.” Wow… As I read this, many things bombarded me at once. First of all, my life’s work seems to be attached to the emotional connection … Read More