Healthy Humor

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

Spotted in my doctor’s office, while I waited for the nurse to obtain pre-approval for a colonoscopy. It took more than twenty minutes to reach a live person at my insurance company. This will cure what ails yain situations like that…   Guaranteed to make you smile…   Caption: “Don’t take it out yet–the insurance company says I have to get … Read More

Are You One of Romney’s 47%?

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

A mega firestorm has ensued over Mitt Romney’s remarks regarding the character of our nation’s near majority. I follow people, not politics, but it has been hard to avoid the impact of this secretly recorded dialogue. Pauline Gaines wrote a fabulous pieceabout three people she encountered in one day who it could be said are some of the constituents Romney … Read More