An Imprint Reprinted

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

Homemade sugar cookies for my college kids;complete with my signature smiley face It’s that time of year, again… Holiday preparations. Care packages filled with a little love for my college kids to have during their exams. Catching up on paperwork I let go whilst I spent the summer playing and vacationing…. In my queue of story ideas, I have been … Read More

How Do You Want to be Remembered?

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

“I’m just gonna ride him, ‘cause that’s what I do.” That’s what a father of one of the boys on my son’s team said to me. About the fifteenth insult he hurled onto the field, I found myself gritting my teeth. Around the twentieth slur, I had a flashback of the time I accidently spilled my ice water on a … Read More