On Saying Goodbye

Annah Elizabeth2 Comments

  Journeyers, this week has been equally frustrating and exhilarating. Exhausting because of this little reality called work and duty and credit card payments and business. Exhilarating because, for the past three days, my mind has been a constant flutter of thoughts. My head has been teeming with ideas and inspiration that I can’t wait to share. My notions most always come to … Read More

Saying Goodbye

Annah Elizabeth10 Comments

Many years ago, I began closing my written correspondences with “Soon.” How many times have you or those close to you said, “Later,” as you parted. How many times have you or those you’d love to see more often lamented, “It’s been far too long since we’ve seen each other!,” “How long has it been?” “We must get together soon!” How … Read More